There is a say, to do something, you should have passion for that. If you believe in this saying then getting a jobs in media is going to be much simple. Here is the reason why. Passion means extensive energy to do it. It can extremely force to you get done anything. 

If you still think that you have no passion for what you want to do so don't worry about it. Here you go for this. An Extensive passion comes from 'interest'. Take this word for granted. Because if you have a keen interest in something then it will be done automatically.

Try to understand this deeply that whoever has done something remarkable, he was passionate about that work. So from today start building your passion. It will absolutely work. To know how to get in the media house or get a job there, you need to understand the technical procedures.

Complete Graduation

There has always been an important educational background for establishing your career in the media industry & get jobs too. If you are just in the 12th standard then first finish your schooling.

If you are 12th passed out and looking media field as a career option so start enrolling for graduation. Point to be remembered here is, you must complete your graduation in specialized subjects or honors.

For instance, if you want to get a political media job or become a political reporter so you must complete your graduation with political Honors. Because it makes your strong base in political Journalism, which is prior indeed.

Here we go with another scenario, if you complete your graduation with multiple subjects like;  English, Globalization, Economics, Political science so you don't master with one, which is a must to be a media personality.

A lot of enriched media acquainted suggest aspiring media job seekers or aspiring media journalists to complete their graduation with one subject (Honors). If you ready to do it then move to the next part of this article.

Pursue Mass Communication

media jobs

You are going to be a mass communicator in the media sector & will get jobs soon if you follow up this. People will watch you reporting, anchoring, debating. So for this stature, you will have to pursue mass communication.

Mass Communication is a course for the people. who want to join the creative field and no field can be more creative than the media field as per today's belief of youth. In mass communication you get to teach everything, which requires to be a media person.

one should focus on pursuing mass communication after completing graduation in a specialized subject. It means you should do MJMC (master of journalism and mass communication) with the reputed Institute.

Here is a genuine expression that what private or government institute you should choose for pursuing mass communication? So we and many media experts suggest that one must study mass communication from IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication).

This is a government media institute governed by the Ministry of Human resources department. This seems to be the premiere and best institute for media studies and mass communication. So aspiring media personality are supposed to enroll here.

Start Searching Internship

To start your career journey in the media field, the Internship is the most important part. During the internship period, you come across many things, which were not taught or were not part of the course module.

why Internship important?

As taking breath is important for living, the same applies to Internships. You have to do an internship for starting your professional career. In India, if you are looking for an internship in a national news channel so you must focus on delhi and noida.

Delhi, the national capital of India, is the hub of media & all national media channels, the office of regional channels, are situated here. So if you wish to get jobs in media, you need to move delhi or ncr (Noida Preferred).

Networking Matters

If you are aware of networking skills then getting a jobs in a repuated media house is no tough, but if you can't deal with networking skills then you are not in the fray.

In every field networking skills matter a lot. It helps to build up connections with a well-known personality of that particular field. It helps you to acquire a high position in an organization.

Now, if you still do not know how to make a network so start paying attention towards there. It is really useful for further promotion & get hired with vast media houses.

How to make Networks?

To make new networks, you need to meet a well-known personality, senior position holder. Invite them for lunch, for dinner. This is how it works. Another important tool to make it happen is, at lunchtime just try to spend more time with those people who you think, can uplift you.

Specifically, this absolutely for women. It has been seen many times that there are a majority of women who are holding a higher position in a corporate organization. 

Well, if you are a women then you are so fortunate. Everything is going to be easier for you. This is not what we say but this is what the figure shows.

Remembering the quotes while doing Journalism

how to get media jobs

Quotes, this is something which energizes aspiring journalist and increases their journalistic approach towards their journalism job. One must be aware of some of the most inspiring journalism quotes.

Although, Journalism quotes make you feel what a professional journalist should feel for the people; for whom he is representing through mass communication medium.

Here is the list of Inspiring journalism quotes.

1. "If a person is not talented enough to be a novelist, not smart enough to be a lawyer, and his hands are too shaky to perform operations, he becomes a journalist."― Norman Mailer

2. "All things must be examined, debated, investigated without exception and without regard for anyone's feelings." ― Denis Diderot

3. "I became a journalist because I did not want to rely on newspapers for information." ― Christopher Hitchens

4. "I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers." ― Mahatma Gandhi

5. "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." ― Thomas Jefferson

6. "Journalist: A person without any ideas but with an ability to express them; a writer whose skill is improved by deadline: the more time he has, the worse he writes." ― karl kraas

Investigative Journalism Quotes

Above shown Journalism quotes were generally for the general beat of media jobs. So, now some of you might be interested in pursuing 'Investigative Journalism'.

Therefore, You are going to read some of the best investigative Journalism quotes which will strengthen you for upcoming challenges.

1. ''Investigative reporting is the bone structure without which the journalistic body collapses. The Center for Public Integrity's constant and consistently enterprising investigative work is an invaluable contribution not only to journalism, but to society and to a healthy democracy.'' ― Alma Guillermepriets

investigative journalism quotes

2. Reality is an aspect of property. It must be seized. And investigative journalism is the noble art of seizing reality back from the powerful.” ― Julian Assange

3. ''The truth, no matter how bad, is never as dangerous as a lie in the long run.''  ― Ben Bradlee

4. ''The kind of in-depth investigative journalism we practice at 'Frontline' is thoughtful, rigorous, and time-intensive. It requires us to constantly seek untold stories and tot give our producers and reporters the time and resources to dig into them deeply.''   ― Raney Aronson-Rath

investigative journalism quotes

5. ''What passes for investigative journalism is finding somebody with their pants down - literally or otherwise.'' ― Robert scheer

6. ''Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.'' ― George Orwell

7. ''At the core of investigative journalism is exactly the same thing that drives a page-turning thriller: telling a great story.'' ― Honk Phillippi Ryan

investigative journalism quotes

8. “Exposing corruption, brandishing truth.” ― Chris Cleave, Little Bee

9 ''I found in investigative journalism it is always best, if you have any language skills, not to admit them.''  ― Julian Assange

investigative journalism quotes

After powerful investigative journalism quotes, here it comes with the roles and responsibility of journalists.

Roles and Responsibility of Journalist

1. Truthful

In noted opinion of a past journalist, the main responsibility of a journalist is to present the reportage, news in a very truthful, unbiased and apolitical way. Most of practicing journalists will agree with it. what is your thought about truthfulness, you may consider it a trait of being a good journalist.

2. Consideration Perspective

Here we come with the most important element of the responsibility of a journalist; Consideration Perspective. So while reporting the news, journalists should take into consideration the audience's perspective and more importantly their own personal interest (Such as any legal obligation).

It has been taken place so many times that some journalists may choose to go against what could perhaps be described as an ethical grain, but a truly successful journalist would always consider the above before submitting anything for publication. However, one could perhaps put forward the argument of public interest.

3. Accurate

Accuracy in reporting is the primary responsibility of a journalist. What he reports, should be accurate, because it protects you from media laws, self-regulating media bodies and defamation cases. Good Journalists always focus on accuracy before submitting any news report.

4. Unbiased

Being unbiased is the most challenging thing for a practicing journalist. It should always be considered by a journalist that their news writing should be unbiased and presents the basic facts only so that audience could determine their own judgments. A good journalist will always show you both sides of the story.

5. Be Apolitical

it is considered difficult for Political beat practicing journalists to be apolitical, but journalism is all about truth & being neutral. Challenges regarding political covering beat comes with so many expectations of learning new things, but it spoils out when you become judgemental or political.

6. Public Interest

What you are reporting or gonna report, eventually it is the audience who will watch, read, or listen to your stories. For writing public interest stories, journalists are encouraged. Public interest is deemed to Holy Grail for journalists and ideally and generally all news stories journalists write, is aimed to draw a large amount of public interest.

After the Roles & Responsibility of a journalist, we move forward with the top 5 jobs in the media industry. (how to get into media jobs)

1. Interpreter/Translator

It has been deemed properly for media that formal education is less important than language skills for this job; interpreters and translators must have native-level proficiency in both languages - the language of the original text or speech, and the language of the finished product. Translators, who work with the written word, must also have an expert-level knowledge of grammar and style in both languages

2. Art Director

It is only for those who seek their future in art direction. In media houses, art directors design visual concepts for promotions and products. Art Directors may work in print, online, television, and other media. To succeed at this job, you must be able to communicate well and manage a team of artists as well as having proficiency in relevant design software.

3. Video Editor

In the last few years, the explosion of online and mobile video content has led to a corresponding increase in demand for film and video editors, who take raw footage and transform it into a finished product. It is that who has a greater responsibility in terms of finishing video content for their media organization.

4. Blogger

Blogging or content writing has been boomed terrifically since the invention of online platforms. Therefore, most companies often employ bloggers as part of their marketing strategy. An engaging blog provides a friendly public face for the company, while potentially helping the organization's ranking on Google and other search engines.

5. Video Producer

If you spend the most time online, you've probably noticed that video is taking over your favorite sites and legging behind written content. Someone has to create those eye-catching, meme-inspiring video moments, and that person is a video producer. As the internet video boom continues, expect to see more of these jobs on the horizon.

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